Bondamani, who acted in 300 films, added property.. Vadivelu never looked back

 There is no dearth of comedy actors in Tamil cinema and there is an army of them acting. However, there are only a few people who get specific verses through body language. "You can also come and beg me because it's raining", "Ask for money, don't tell!" Bondamani's verses are famous!Khetheeswaran, also known as Bondamani, is a comedian who fled Sri Lanka. Acting in politics and politics in cinema make innocent people spin. For example, while Bondamani appeared in a few films from time to time, Chinnakalaivanar gave Vivek a chance to do a film with Thanjam Phuga and Vadivelu.Seeing this Vadivelu, why did you bring Bondamani inside? To Vivek, let's give him a chance. He has supported that he is talented. After Bondamani acted in that film, Vivek said, "Don't come to my side anymore." The scenes with Vadivel are perfect. He decided that you should join Vadivelu team from now on. The story of Vadivelu Alapparai who escaped from Vidakandan and went to Kodakandan was different. Vadivelu went to ask for help when Bondamani, who was acting in many films with Vadivelu, eventually suffered from kidney failure.Despite having acted in over 300 movies, he has been defrauded of payment for numerous movies. Furthermore, Bondamani will run to aid everyone instead of keeping all the money he made from the remaining movies for himself. Bondamani did not even have ten thousand rupees in his account; he lived until the death in a rented residence. In addition to sending one check to settle her obligation, Vijayakanth comforted Bondamani's crippled wife upon his passing. Producer Isari Ganesh Bondamani claimed that although Bondamani could force his son to study hard, he was unable to do the same with his daughter.

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