Chinese woman arrested for attacking Sri Lankan police.

Beruwela police said that a Chinese woman who attacked two Sri Lankan police officers who went to investigate a complaint of a Chinese woman living in the country without a visa was arrested in the afternoon (20.02.2024).
A 36-year-old Chinese woman staying in Sri Lankan Beruwela Mangala Mawatha has been detained in this way.

Two police officers who came to know that a Chinese woman was staying on a visa on Sri Lankan Beruwela Mangala Road went to the said house. The police said that the attack took place because of their conversation.

According to reports, the suspect woman will appear before the Kalutara Magistrate, and the two attacked police officers have been turned over to the forensic officer of the Kalutara Nagoda Teaching Hospital.

The event is being looked into further by the Beruwela police.

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