Nawaz Sharif demands that all parties work together to establish a government.

 Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) and a former prime minister, demanded that all Pakistani parties unite. Speaking in this regard at a gathering of his party's supporters in Lahore, Pakistan, he suggested that all parties work together to form a government in order to preserve Pakistan from difficulties. The nation is unable to have elections more than once. The only major party to win the general election was the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz). To save Pakistan from this predicament, other political groups ought to collaborate with the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) to establish a coalition government. Nawaz stated, "I want to say something to those who are in a fighting mood," alluding inferentially to Imran Khan. Pakistan cannot sustain this conflict. Given that this is a matter of life for Pakistanis, Pakistan need to have stability for a minimum of ten years. He advocated for us to build cordial ties with Afghanistan, Iran, and India, among our neighbors. Nawaz has already retracted his earlier statement that he will not create an alliance with any party. The Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), according to top Imran Khan supporter Koh Khan, does not wish to join forces with the Pakistan People's Party. He guaranteed that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf will win the seats needed to form the government and that the party is capable of forming the government on its own without the need for an alliance.

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