Police on the scene report tension in front of the Indian Embassy in Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

Jaffna called on the Indian fishermen to stop trespassing in Sri Lankan waters in front of the Indian Embassy. Associations of fishermen led a demonstration.
Several Jaffna fishermen's associations had declared they would besiege the Indian embassy, and a big contingent of police had been amassed in front of the embassy, causing much agitation.

In one instance, the police stopped the demonstrators close to the embassy when they assembled as fishermen and attempted to besiege it as part of a protest gathering.

After that, only seven Fishermen's Association delegates were permitted to visit the embassy to speak with the ambassador and offer their condolences.

The demonstrators carried on chanting anti-Indian and anti-Sri Lankan chants during this time.

They also got into a fight with the police when they stopped the demonstrators. This caused a great deal of excitement in the vicinity.

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