Special yogam on Maha Shivratri.

 For Shiva worshipers, Maha Shivaratri is a day. Across the nation, the Maha Shivaratri celebration is observed with great fervor and joy. However, since there are additional auspicious yogas based on the Hindu calendar, this Mahashivaratri will be a little more special. taking place today.
According to the Puranic stories, Goddess Parvati and the gods were granted their wishes when they worshipped Lord Shiva on the day of Maha Shivratri. In the same vein, it is thought that if we worship Lord Shiva with total submission and genuine devotion, he will grant all of our requests. Maha Shivratri is a fasting day that can help reduce anxiety and boost productivity in the workplace.

This year, March 8th, International Women's Day falls on Maha Shivratri, which is also the day for Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga and Siddhi Yoga. In addition, the Moon in Makara Rasi will have Siva Yoga and Sravana Nakshatra on this day. For some zodiac signs, this unusual yoga may bring great fortune. Which sign of the zodiac will enter its golden age and receive Shiva's grace?

For Aries, this will be a very lucky day. If you truly love someone, now is an excellent time to confess. Astrology predicts that this will be a highly fortunate time. At home, a fortunate occasion is planned, and happiness will permeate the psyche. You'll get more interested in religious work. You will receive Mother Parvati's unique grace.

Mahashivaratri also heralds a fortunate period for Gemini. Married life will also preserve sweetness. In addition, there are updates regarding the arrival of new visitors. This will be a really good time if you intend to be married for a long time.

For Libras, this is a highly fortunate time. This is the time when romantic relationships blossom. It will be more comfortable to tell your family about your love affair. Make a pilgrimage in your religion. Make the most of your time with your family.

Aquarius: Lord Parvati and Lord Shiva also bestow special blessings upon these signs of the zodiac. During this time, you will stop doing anything wrong. Your thoughts will be shaped by religious texts. Traveling overseas will become a reality. Money coming in will improve the state of the economy. There will be a reduction in stress.

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