Why should almonds be soaked and eaten with the skin removed?

 Why should you soak almonds and eat them? Almond skin is tough. Its skin is thick even when it is soaked and peeled. Eating the tough skin intact takes a long time to digest. It can cause unwanted side effects, especially for people with digestive disorders. That is why they say that you should soak it remove its skin and eat it. The primary reason for soaking is that the skin can be removed easily. If it soaks overnight it will be easier to peel off in the morning.
What happens if you eat almonds without removing the skin? Difficult to digest. As a side effect of this, disorders such as flatulence and diarrhea may occur. Apart from that, the anti-nutrients, tannic, and phytic acids present in the skin prevent them from absorbing nutrients. Bile may increase in the blood. So soak its skin overnight and eat it after removing its skin.

How many almonds can you eat per day..? Eat 5-10 almonds daily. Soak it overnight and eat it after peeling the skin the next day. Eat like this and you will feel energetic and crisp in the morning.

Almonds are rich in nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamin E, omega 3, omega 6, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc. So eat at least 5 almonds daily to avoid malnutrition. Apart from that, almonds are good for the brain and nerves. Increases memory power. Strengthens muscles. It also helps to increase growth and change.

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