A ship from South Korea was lost in the ocean; four people were rescued, seven missing.

A cargo ship from South Korea has sunk next to an island in Japan. Of these, four were retrieved from the sea, and seven remain unaccounted for.

Information on the chemical vessel "Kyoyang Sun" sinking close to Japan's Mutsur Island has reached the Japanese Coast Guard.

Rescue crews were then dispatched to the area.

On the aforementioned ship were 11 employees in total, comprising 8 Indonesians, 2 South Koreans, and 1 Chinese national.

The ship in this instance has begun to sink as it approaches the Japanese islands. The crew then dove into the ocean.

In this instance, the four employees who were drowning in the sea were saved by the quick response of the rescue squad. There are seven missing persons. We're still looking for them.


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