Novel fruit tree leaves are super magic.

The leaves of the novel tree can offer countless advantages, in addition to the medicinal properties of the fruit.
Not to be overlooked is the new fruit that is the greatest diabetic medication. Energy, carbohydrate, water-soluble fiber, fat, protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, and C, and a high water content are all present in the new fruit.

Its leaves include protein, fat, fiber, ash, phosphate, and calcium, just like the unique fruit. What's more, these unique leaves offer antibacterial properties.

These unique leaves are incredibly powerful and help with cough, cold, and throat issues.

Individuals with diarrhea and flatulence should cleanly wash these leaves, smash them to release the juice and consume them for three days to control their diarrhea. Alternatively, you can manage diarrhea by crushing the leaves of the new tree, extracting the juice, and consuming one tablespoon of it twice a day for three days, in the morning and the evening.

In the same way, a decoction made from these leaves can be eaten. Alternatively, if you grind the same amount of mavil and new leaf oils, take a gooseberry-sized amount, mix it with unleavened curd, and drink it, you can instantly control symptoms including rheumatism, drowsiness, upset stomach, and bladder irritation.

Novel leaves can be ground into a powder and applied to the teeth to strengthen the gums. Similarly, injuries and burns will heal quickly if this cool leaf is burned in the fire and its ashes are put to them.

You won't acquire insects like caterpillars if you store new leaves indoors. To keep the insects away from the areas where the babies are, some unusual leaves are scattered here and there.

Vitamin E is vital to treating female infertility. These leaves contain a lot of it.

It is stated that you can eliminate sterility by making a decoction from the juice of the new tree's leaves and eating it with butter or honey.

But even just the leaves have potent properties, so it's preferable to use the herb medicinally under a doctor's guidance.


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