13,000 Sri Lankans are impacted by the drought.

The ongoing drought in Sri Lanka has taken a toll on thousands of individuals and families across several divisional secretariat divisions, according to reports from the Disaster Management Center. As the dry spell persists, 13,312 individuals, belonging to 3,956 families, have been adversely affected in nine divisional secretariat divisions across the country.

Among the hardest-hit areas is the Divulapitiya divisional secretary division, where a staggering 7,053 individuals from various communities are grappling with the consequences of the prolonged drought. Similarly, in the Mahara divisional secretary division, 3,655 individuals are facing water shortages and other challenges exacerbated by the arid conditions.

The impact of the drought extends to smaller communities as well, such as the 79 individuals comprising 25 families in the Attanakalla divisional secretary division. Additionally, 3,132 individuals spread across 935 families in the same division are struggling to cope with the scarcity of water and dwindling resources.

In the Warakapola Divisional Secretariat Division, 60 individuals are feeling the effects of the drought, highlighting the widespread nature of the crisis. Similarly, in the Ruwanwella Divisional Secretariat Division, 550 individuals are facing challenges due to the water scarcity, while 289 individuals from 80 families in the Ayanthottai Divisional Secretariat Division are also impacted by the dry conditions.

The Tehiovita Division is also grappling with the repercussions of the drought, with 672 individuals from 160 families struggling to access adequate water supplies. These communities are among the 16 families that comprise the Warakapola Divisional Secretariat Division, where the drought has taken a significant toll on livelihoods and well-being.

In the Kaligamuwa Divisional Secretariat Division, 637 individuals representing 175 families are experiencing the adverse effects of the drought. As the dry spell persists, these communities are facing challenges related to water scarcity, agricultural losses, and limited access to basic necessities.

The impact of the drought on individuals and families across these divisional secretariat divisions underscores the urgent need for coordinated relief efforts and support from authorities. Access to clean water, food supplies, and other essential services is essential to mitigate the suffering of those affected by the drought and ensure their well-being.

In response to the crisis, the Disaster Management Center and other relevant agencies are working to provide assistance and relief to affected communities. Measures such as the distribution of emergency supplies, the provision of water tankers, and the implementation of drought mitigation strategies are being undertaken to alleviate the hardships faced by individuals and families in drought-affected areas.

As the country grapples with the ongoing drought, it is crucial for stakeholders to come together and implement sustainable solutions to address the underlying causes of water scarcity and build resilience in vulnerable communities. By prioritizing drought preparedness, water conservation, and community empowerment, Sri Lanka can better withstand future droughts and safeguard the well-being of its citizens.

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