It was the Congress party that gave Sri Lanka Kachchadiva - Modi.

On March 31, 2024, Indian Prime Minister Modi made a significant declaration regarding the contentious issue of Kachchadiwa, a small island located 17 kilometers from Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu. Prime Minister Modi's statement brought to light the historical background and political intricacies surrounding the transfer of Kachchadiwa to Sri Lanka during the Indian Congress administration's tenure.

In a post on the X website, Prime Minister Modi expressed his dismay at the Congress party's handling of the Kachchadiwa issue, labeling their actions as appalling. He criticized the Congress's 75-year record, asserting that it had weakened India's unity, integrity, and interests. Prime Minister Modi highlighted the deep-seated mistrust of the Congress among the Indian populace and emphasized the need to address the consequences of their decisions.

The controversy surrounding Kachchadiwa dates back to the early 20th century when the Sri Lankan government began referring to the island as "ours" in 1920. Tensions escalated in 1956 when India extended its maritime border from three to six nautical miles, along with fishing rights up to 100 nautical miles. Sri Lanka responded by making similar claims, sparking diplomatic tensions between the two countries.

In 1973, then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India and Sri Lankan President Sirimao Bandaranayake engaged in negotiations over the status of Kachchadiwa. Without consulting Tamil Nadu, the leaders signed an agreement on June 28, 1974, transferring ownership of Kachchadiwa to Sri Lanka. This decision was met with widespread concern and criticism in Tamil Nadu, as many felt that it undermined the region's interests.

The agreement between Indira Gandhi and Bandaranayake also involved discussions about other geopolitical matters, including Sri Lanka's stance on Pakistan's plans to build an airport. Bandaranayake made it clear that Sri Lanka would oppose Pakistan's airport construction if India conceded Kachchadiwa. Consequently, India acquiesced to Sri Lanka's demand, resulting in the controversial transfer of the island.

Despite being geographically part of Tamil Nadu, Kachchadiwa remained under Sri Lankan control, causing discontent among the Tamil population. The 1975 accord altered the dynamics of the region, as Kachchadiwa, once a symbol of peace and unity between India and Sri Lanka, became a source of contention and discord.

The issue of Kachchadiwa continues to evoke strong emotions and political debate in both India and Sri Lanka. Prime Minister Modi's remarks have reignited discussions about the historical injustices surrounding the island's transfer and underscored the need for a resolution that addresses the concerns of all stakeholders.

As the diplomatic saga surrounding Kachchadiwa unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the complexities of interstate relations and the importance of addressing historical grievances to foster lasting peace and cooperation in the region.

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