The meeting between the UN Resident Coordinator and the Speaker from Sri Lanka.

 In a landmark stride towards fostering parliamentary development and international collaboration, Speaker Mahinda Yappa Abeywardena extended a warm welcome to UN Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franch within the esteemed halls of the Sri Lankan Parliament on the 22nd of March, 2024. This meeting, characterized by its ambiance of warmth and mutual respect, marked a pivotal moment in the journey towards strengthening the parliamentary system in Sri Lanka. As the two esteemed leaders convened, they embarked on a comprehensive discourse delving into various facets crucial for the advancement of parliamentary proceedings, legislative effectiveness, and democratic governance in the nation.

At the heart of the discussions lay the Parliamentary Development Action Plan (PDAP), a meticulously crafted roadmap designed to bolster the efficiency and efficacy of parliamentary processes. Both Speaker Abeywardena and Mr. Franch underscored the paramount importance of aligning the PDAP with contemporary challenges and aspirations, ensuring its relevance and responsiveness to the evolving needs of the Sri Lankan populace. Their commitment to enhancing parliamentary practices through strategic planning and institutional reforms reflected a shared vision for the democratic advancement of the nation.

The conversation seamlessly transitioned towards legislative matters, where upcoming bills slated for presentation to the Parliament took center stage. Deliberations encompassed not only the substantive content of these bills but also the procedural intricacies vital for their smooth passage. Speaker Abeywardena reiterated the Parliament's steadfast commitment to upholding democratic principles and fostering constructive debate on legislation, thereby enriching the legislative landscape and promoting transparency and accountability.

A notable highlight of the interaction was the profound acknowledgment of the pivotal role played by women in parliamentary affairs. Mr. Franch conveyed his sincere appreciation for the commendable work of Member of Parliament Sudarshini Barnandupulle, particularly lauding her tireless efforts in advancing medical finance issues. Moreover, he extended heartfelt gratitude to the Union of Women Members of Parliament for their relentless advocacy and dedication towards gender equality and women's empowerment within the parliamentary framework. Their contributions epitomized the transformative potential unleashed when women are empowered to actively participate in decision-making processes.

In a separate engagement, Marc-André Franch engaged in a constructive dialogue with Kushani Rohanatheera, the Secretary General of the Parliament, delving into the intricacies of parliamentary committee structures. The discussion revolved around enhancing the inclusivity of these committees, with a specific emphasis on integrating the perspectives of young people. Ms. Rohanatheera eloquently elucidated on the pivotal role of departmental oversight committees in ensuring transparency and accountability, underscoring the importance of diverse representation from professionals and youth in civil society. The collaborative efforts aimed at strengthening parliamentary committees reflected a collective commitment towards fostering inclusive governance and harnessing the potential of emerging leaders.

The discourse further extended to the realm of technological innovation, with deliberations on the potential utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in electoral processes. Both parties recognized the transformative impact of AI in streamlining electoral procedures, enhancing voter engagement, and fortifying the integrity of elections. Emphasizing the need for responsible and ethical AI deployment, they explored innovative avenues for harnessing technology to bolster democratic participation while safeguarding against potential pitfalls. The envisioned integration of AI into electoral processes symbolized a progressive step towards leveraging technology to advance democratic ideals and ensure the integrity of electoral outcomes in Sri Lanka.

Amidst the exchange of ideas and commitments, Marc-André Franch reaffirmed the United Nations' unwavering support for parliamentary activities in Sri Lanka. He pledged continued assistance, emphasizing the imperative of sustained collaboration to surmount challenges and seize opportunities for parliamentary development. The reaffirmation of international support underscored the significance of global partnerships in driving positive change and fostering democratic governance.

As Sri Lanka charts its course towards a brighter future, the convergence of parliamentary stakeholders and international partners heralds a new era of synergy and progress. Through concerted efforts and steadfast dedication, the journey towards a robust and inclusive parliamentary system is poised to yield dividends, empowering citizens and nurturing democratic ideals for generations to come. The collaborative endeavors between parliamentary leaders, civil society actors, and international organizations lay the foundation for a vibrant democracy characterized by transparency, accountability, and active citizen participation, thereby propelling Sri Lanka towards a future defined by democratic excellence and inclusive governance.


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